27 The International Food and Technology Expo 2022 will be held from the 9th of June until the 12th of June 2022 in Amman, the capital city of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. More specifically, will it be located at Mecca Mall in Amman. The exposition will be the first forum of its kind established for all professionals specialized in industry, trade, food and beverages in Jordan and the Middle East. Jordan has a sound and resilient economywhich gives it the capability of adapting quickly to local and regional shocks and to achieve growth at a stable and s u s t a i n a b l e rate . Jordan i s a l s o a member of the Wor ld Trade Organizat ion, an important regional center, and one of the most desirable investment locations in the region. The food, supplies, agricultural and livestock industries are among the most important sectors in Jordan. Moreover, are these industries rapidly expanding and becoming more and more modernized. For example, the food industry in the Kingdom is ranked second in terms of quality and is able to reach most of the markets i n n e i g h b o u r i n g countries. The goal of INFTEXPO 2022 i s to br i ng together both exhibi tors and c o n s u m e r s and give them the chance to explore new food and beverage products from all International Food and Technology Expo Jordan (INFTEXPO) 9-12 June 2022