28 around the globe or to display their own products in local and regional markets, expand their network, meet other businessmen, and gain new customers. Wi th the organ i zat i on of Pulse Media and the cooperation of the Syndicate of Food Traders in Jordan, there will be attending around 250 leading companies, both local as international. The targeted visitors of the INFTEXPO 2022 are as follows: • Executives in industrial companies for packaging, machinery, and food and beverages. • Importers, distributors, and wholesalers of food and beverages. • Professionals, consultants, government institutors, trade unions, and free zones. • Owners of transport, refrigeration, and storage companies. • Specialists in the manufacturing and trade of halal products. • Envoys and representat i ves of commercial attachés of embassies in Jordan. • Purchasing managers of supermarkets, groceries, wholesale and retail stores. more info about the inftexpo http://inftexpo.com Mrs. Lyan Hisham: +962 777 372 414 Mrs. Alanoud Jarar: +962 279 693 3506 Email: marketing@pulsejo.net or project.manager@pulsejo.net