8 ELLEN’S DATES CREAM We are Ellen’s dates cream, were from Roeselare West Flanders Belgium and we are proud to introduce our brand-new company. At Ellen’s dates cream, we are passionate about creating delicious, healthy, and natural date cream, and we are determined to surprise people with the sweet taste and nutritional value of dates in a whole newway. Why date cream? Dates are not only one of the oldest known fruits on earth, but they are also packed with health benefits. At Ellen’s dates cream, we’ve perfected the art of wrapping these benefits into a delicious and versatile cream that you can use as a supplement to your dishes. The date cream has different spices that make it take your dishes to another level, without much effort or difficult preparations. Contact: https://ellensdatescream.be BAB CONSULT BELGIUM Consultancy, coaching, accompaniement of Belgian companies (SMEs) interested in developping their activities towards Arab markets, as well as Arab companies looking for sourcing from Belgium and neighbouring countries. Advising and accompanying investors interested in stable and sustainable destinations such as Belgium and Luxembourg. Business services: translation (Arabic-French-English), administrative accompaniement. Training, keynote speaker (business, culture, diversity & inclusion). Contact: http://www.babconsult.be PITCHTECCONCEPT Whatever the purpose of your pitch is, it will need some kind of technology in order to meet with the expectations in and outside of your organisation. The trick is to tailor made the type of technology in such a way that it fits exactly your expectations. Contact: http://www.pitchtec.com