|Economic Mission| Saudi Arabia 2022 - Multi-sectoral Economic Mission (11-18 march 2022)
The Arab-Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (ABLCC), and the Walloon Agency for Export and Foreign Investment (AWEX), and the Chamber of Commerce of Luxembourg (CCLU) are pleased to announce the next multisectoral economic mission to Saudi Arabia from 11 to March 18, 2022 organized jointly with the support of the Embassy of Belgium in Riyadh.
First economic power of the Middle East, Saudi Arabia is the richest Arab country (1st regional economy and 19th in the world). Taking advantage of a large budget surplus, the country is currently making a giant leap through the digitalization of its public services and the launch of gigantic infrastructure projects. These projects are part of the “Vison 2030" roadmap, which aims to challenge the foundations of the traditional economy to push investment in innovative sectors.
In recent years, the country has also implemented structural reforms to promote trade. Particularly clear changes have taken place in economic regulations, ranging from PPPs to international arbitration, a level playing field for domestic and international players, intellectual property reforms and even bankruptcy law reforms while visas and e-visas are easier than ever to obtain.
Thus, and for the first time in its history, this market of 34 million inhabitants is now experiencing a period of unprecedented socio-economic changes and is fully counting on the diversification of the economy to free itself from its dependence on oil!
This mission, organized in the cities of Riyadh, Jeddah, and Dammam, will therefore be an opportunity for the participating companies to seize the exceptional opportunities offered by the "Vision 2030" roadmap while taking advantage of the network, expertise, and logistical organization of AWEX, ABLCC and CCLU.
In order to take full advantage of the potential represented by this market, it will focus exclusively on the following sectors: health, environment/energy, entertainment, agri-food, construction, and transport/logistics.
For more information and registration, Deadline: Monday February 14th, please Contact us at:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +32 2 344 82 04
Registration Fees: - Sponsors: Free of Charge
- Members: 200 Euros
- Non-Members: 400 Euros
Would you like more information about opportunities in Saudi Arabia? Feel free to watch the ABLCC webinar at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63isegcWyXY
Secretary General Chairman