Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia, officially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is a country on the Arabian Peninsula in Western Asia. It is the third-largest country in Asia and the second-largest in the Arab world. It is the only country with a coastline along both the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. It is the world’s second-largest oil producer and the number one oil exporter, while also having control over the sixth-largest gas reserves.
Capital |
Riyadh |
Population |
34.81 million |
Area (km²) |
2.149.690 |
Major languages |
Arabic, English |
Currency |
Saudi Riyal (SAR) |
GDP (billion USD) |
700.1 |
Real GDP Growth (%) |
-4.1 |
Total Export to Belgium (thousand EUR) |
1.992.564 |
Total Import from Belgium (thousand EUR) |
1.669.046 |
Total Export to Luxembourg (thousand EUR) |
491 |
Total Import from Luxembourg (thousand EUR) |
32000 |
More indicators: World Bank

Exports from Saudi Arabia to Belgium

Exports from Belgium to Saudi Arabia

Riyadh Chamber of Commerce
Contact person : Mohammed L. ALMOTERI (Assistant Secretary General for Business Support)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: +966 01 14 04 00 44
Website: https://www.chamber.sa/en/Pages/default.aspx
Address : Prince Abdulaziz Ibn Musaid Ibn Jalawi Street, "Al Dhabab Formerly" - Al Murabba - 12626 RIYADH