Tunisia, officially the Republic of Tunisia, is the northernmost country in Africa situated at the Mediterranean Sea. It is a part of the Maghreb region in North Africa. It is one of the EU’s most important trading partners in the region and was the first of the region to sign an Association Agreement with the EU.
Capital |
Tunis |
Population |
11.82 million |
Area (km²) |
163.610 |
Major languages |
Arabic, French, Berber, English |
Currency |
Tunesian Dinar (TND) |
GDP (billion USD) |
41.62 |
Real GDP Growth (%) |
-9.2 |
Total Export to Belgium (thousand EUR) |
203.029 |
Total Import from Belgium (thousand EUR) |
405.104 |
Total Export to Luxembourg (thousand EUR) |
163 |
Total Import from Luxembourg (thousand EUR) |
3892 |

Exports from Tunisia to Belgium

Exports from Belgium to Tunisia

Tunisia Chambre of Commerce and Industry
Contact person : Abderrazek Sanhaji (Secretary General)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: +216 71 24 73 22
Website: www.ccitunis.org.tn
Address : 31 Paris Street 1000 TUNIS