United Arab Emirates
The United Arab Emirates is a country in Western Asia situated on the eastern end of the Arabian Peninsula. It has the sixth-largest oil reserves and the seventh-largest gas reserves. It is also the first Arab country on the HDI-list (place nr. 31).
Capital |
Abu Dhabi |
Population |
9.890 million |
Area (km²) |
98.648 |
Major languages |
Arabic, English |
Currency |
UAE Dirham (AED) |
GDP (billion USD) |
358.9 |
Real GDP Growth (%) |
-6.1 |
Total Export to Belgium (thousand EUR) |
1.072.402 |
Total Import from Belgium (thousand EUR) |
2.550.140 |
Total Export to Luxembourg (thousand EUR) |
39036 |
Total Import from Luxembourg (thousand EUR) |
41464 |

Exports from UAE to Belgium

Exports from Belgium to UAE

International Chamber of Commerce UAE
Contact person : Hassan Al HASHEMI (Secretary General)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: +971 42 20 82 88
Website: http://www.iccuae.com/index.php?view=home
Address : Al Rasheed Road, Al Mamzar, DUBAI: Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Humanitarian and Charity Est. Building 2nd Floor, Office No. 10